
BDE - Production data acquisition

BDE - Production data acquisition


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To log off work sequences from production in ClassiX®, or to record partial times, there is the BDE hours recording.

You can record the operating data in several ways:

  • Via the main menu (Activities>Production>Plant data collection (PDC)-> PDC time ticket collection )
  • Via the worklist (right click on selected work sequences)
  • Via production planning jobs (right click on selected jobs)

There is also the possibility to load PDA data acquisition from other systems via interface files.

In order to evaluate PDC data, there is the possibility to display all PDC data with SET and ACTUAL time comparison over a defined period of time (via the evaluation in the main menu "Evaluations->Production-> PDC hours".

For a more detailed analysis with a summary of workstations, cost centres and reasons for deviation, there is the PDC analysis (Evaluation->Production->PDC analysis)

Operational business